Intrusive Thoughts of a People Pleaser at Your Local Hairdressers

Yes this accidental micro fringe is perfect, thank you

Laura-Liisa Klaas
Published in
6 min readApr 25, 2024


Worried woman biting her lip and looking up, behind her stands a person about to cut off her ponytail. Around them text is floating in the air — “everything is fine,” “does this smile look fake?,” “smile and wave,” “ouch,” “she hates me!” and “help!”. This illustrates what a people pleaser might think when at hairdressers.
Image created by author using Canva

Oh gosh, right, let’s do this. Why is it so busy in here? Oh yeah, Saturday. What was I thinking booking an appointment on a friggin Saturday? Why are there so many kids? Are they getting haircuts too? Or just annoying the hell…



Youth worker from Estonia living in Scotland with her partner and laziest dog on Earth. Writes short humour, travel and short fiction.